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This book details the seven principles or "calls" of the Omega Order. While intended primarily for those considering the implications of becoming Companions of the Omega Order, the principles themselves have universal application.
An "Office" is a framework for prayer and meditation. The Omega Offices were intended to provide minimum structures within which individuals and groups could learn to practice and use silence, as a seedbed for stillness and the true perception that proceeds from it. Several editions of the Offices were produced with various additions to the text as the Order spread internationally.
Subtitled Recollections from New Zealanders who Have Responded to the Unfolding of the Omega Vision, this anthology was compiled and edited by Sister Leonie O'Neill RSM and published in February 2000. This work was instigated by Peter Spink himself in 1996 and includes material from some of Peter's books, various Omega News UK and NZ newsletters, and other collected materials alongside the personal reflections of various New Zealanders.